
Scott Alexander introduces the concept of Moloch to represent coordination failure.

See his blog post Meditations on Moloch (

The idea is rich and poetic, but is it a good one? It has certainly captured the attention of many, who now seek to view the world anew through the lens of coordination failure.

Does this horn-rimmed lens prevent a better view on reality?

I argue that the Moloch framework has some problems.


This is just an overview.

See a dissection of Moloch for a more detailed look. This has been added as an extension to the exploration of the Beginning of Infinity because it builds on some ideas there.

It includes concept diagrams and an examination of the 14 examples that appear in the original Moloch blog post.

Coordination is just one solution among many

Consider the problem of not enough energy. What is the cause of that problem? We do not have fusion reactors, which would solve that problem.

Should we say that the energy problem is caused by

  • “fusion reactor failure”? or
  • More energy use than energy production.

“Coordination failure” (aka Moloch) is the same as “fusion reactor failure”. It is a counterfactual solution. It is something that could have happened but did not. Many things could have happened but did not.

If one wants to explain why something happened, there is usually an explanation in terms of things that really did happen.

A fusion reactor is one solution to some problem, but there exist other solutions. Many of those may be easier to achieve. Calling an energy shortage “fusion reactor failure”, implies that other energy solutions are not valid. Anyone trying to solve the problem is implicitly directed to think about fusion-related concepts at the exclusion of other ideas that could solve the problem better.

Moloch is a lens that makes one forget about all solutions except coordination.

Multi-agent problems will always have a coordination solution

When multiple competing parties are involved, one can always imagine some creative solution where they cooperate. This does not mean that the solution is always coordination. It is a mistake to imagine that coordination is always missing.

This is important because of the myriad of ways a problem could be solved, coordination may actually be one of the hardest to achieve.

If we train our minds to always look for Moloch, we may be training ourselves to avoid creating other solutions that do not involve coordination.

Moloch, rewritten

Moloch! Moloch, whose fog of fear distracts! Moloch, whose binary mind boils and scratches at the joy of possibility.

A problem of Moloch, whose weak foundations of despair unravel. Moloch, whose haunted mirror claim is lost in the battle trample of ideas.

Moloch whose unseen hands turn unseeable cogs! Oh Moloch! Moloch! A birthmark of doom that never was.

There is no Moloch, no single missing cog of coordination in every problem. No limit to what ideas can be created to multi-agent problems.

The Ginsberg poem, recast with the reality that problems are inevitable, but soluble.

What enigma of progress and technology uncovers our challenges and propels our pursuit of solutions?

A problem of Disconnection! In the midst of Connectivity! A problem of Pollution, amidst our Gardens of Innovation! Young voices seeking joy in digital playgrounds! The quest for knowledge in a sea of information! Wisdom of the old, echoing in the virtual world!

A problem of Isolation in the age of communication! A problem of The Complexity of Simplicity! A problem of The Weight of Decisions in a Rapidly Changing World!

A problem of The Maze of Modern Solutions! A problem of The Structure of Support amidst a Web of Challenges! A problem of Architecture of Decision, amidst the Clamor for Peace!

A problem of The Machinery of Thought in an Era of Overload! A problem of The Flow of Capital in the Veins of Global Unity! A problem of The Hands of Cooperation, Building Bridges over Divides! A problem of The Heartbeat of Change in a World Hungry for Energy! A problem of The Voice of Truth in a Chorus of Perspectives!

A problem of The Eyes of Awareness in a World of Diverse Views! A problem of Towers of Ambition, in Streets Paved with Dreams! A problem of The Symphony of Industry, Humming with Potential! A problem of Signals of Unity, Weaving through a Network of Communities!

A problem of The Desire for Sustainable Energy amidst Thirst for Progress! A problem of The Spirit of Innovation, in a Dance with Tradition! A problem of The Ghost of Genius, in a World of Equal Opportunities! A problem of The Destiny of Potential, in a Universe of Expanding Knowledge! A problem of The Identity of Collective Consciousness, in a Sea of Individual Minds!

A problem of Finding Purpose in a World of Possibilities! A problem of Envisioning Tomorrow, in a Landscape of Today’s Realities! Inspired by Challenges, United in Solutions! Embracing Humanity amidst A New Problem!

A problem of The Spark of Inspiration, in a World of Routine! A problem of Consciousness Empowered, in an Environment of Limitations! A problem of Guiding towards Ecstatic Innovation, amidst Cautious Optimism! A problem of Embraced as a Catalyst for Change! Rising in A New Problem! Light Spreading across the Challenges!

A New Problem! A New Problem! Communities in Harmony, in the Midst of Invisible Boundaries! Enlightened Treasuries, amidst Blind Economies! Benevolent Industries, in a World of Ruthless Competition! Vibrant Nations, amidst Spectral Divides! Safe Havens of Peace, in a World of Unseen Struggles! Monuments of Cooperation, amidst the Rubble of Conflict!

They Join Forces, Elevating A New Problem to Heights of Understanding! Pathways, Forests, Frequencies, Skies – Elevating Our Existence, Thriving amidst the Universal Tapestry!

Visions! Signs! Insights! Wonders! Joys! Flowing through the Global Stream of Challenges!

Dreams! Respect! Enlightenment! Harmonies! The Entire Spectrum of Constructive Thought amidst the Echoes of Old Issues!

Breakthroughs! Across the Barriers! Leaps and Renaissances! Flowing through the Tide of Progress amidst the Whirlpools of Past Troubles! Heights! Revelations! Hopes! A Decade’s Chorus of Discovery and Love amidst Echoes of Despair! Awakening Minds! New Bonds! A Generation of Wonder, Ascending from the Bedrock of Time!

Genuine Joy in the Stream of Progress, Witnessing the Challenges! The Hopeful Gazes! The Triumphant Cheers! Embracing the Journey! Soaring from the Heights towards Unity! Waving! Sharing Blossoms of Knowledge! Down to the River of Life, into the Streets of Tomorrow!

Can we coordinate?

We can do so much more. Coordination is but one idea in the infinite sea of ideas.

When you see multiple parties competing and causing an undesired outcome, do not imagine coordination failure. Imagine all the crazy and interesting ways the situation could change.